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The ESG4SMEs Toolkit

The ESG4SMEs toolkit has been specifically designed for SMEs.

It is an easy-to-use digital product built on the basis of years of expertise working hands-on with businesses in different sectors and of different sizes.

It has been created to overcome the myth that ESG is just for big business.

With their agility and ability for innovation, SMEs are ideally placed to integrate ESG into their business model and create positive impact in society. 

With our toolkit, they don’t have to hire expensive consultants and adhere to complex frameworks to get this done. 

ESG can be complex but it doesn’t have to be complicated! 

Our toolkit consists of a guide which in turn links to a suite of resources, based on our EASI process:


Educazione Libri bookshelfs

Learn all about ESG through our short online learning modules.


Tavolo da riunione Bird's Eye View

All you need to build your own ESG strategy, and the tools you require to identify your priority areas based on stakeholder demands.


This suite of products includes questionnaires, how-to videos, template documents and more.


Riunione delle prestazioni

Our very own assessment tool which helps you take stock of all your existing efforts in the ‘E’, ‘S’ and ‘G’ pillars, and helps to identify areas where improvements are desirable.


forme grafiche

A variety of template documents, training videos, how-to videos and other valuable resources which will help you implement a variety of actions across the different ‘E’, ‘S’ and ‘G’ categories, in fulfillment of your strategy.


As a bonus, this section also includes information on how to create your own ESG report, how to identify and measure your indicators, as well as a template report on which you can build your own.

Our EASI ESG4SMEs toolkit provides a wealth of knowlege and experience condensed into one practical and affordable product.

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