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What is the parental leave entitlement in the EU?

The EU Parental Leave Directive governs the right to parental leave in the European Union (EU). According to the order, each parent is entitled to a minimum of four months of unpaid leave, which they may use up until the child turns 12 years old.

Each parent is entitled to four months of unpaid leave, which can be taken all at once or divided into two equal chunks. Each phase, though, must last at least a month. In accordance with an agreement between the employer and employee, the directive also permits a more flexible approach to parental leave, which may include part-time work or flexible working hours.

The rule also specifies how the employee's work would be protected while they are on parental leave. When an employee returns from parental leave, their employer must offer them the same or a similar position; they cannot be fired for taking a leave of absence.

The EU Parental Leave Directive establishes a minimum baseline for parental leave entitlements throughout the EU, however individual member states are allowed to offer more generous parental leave entitlements if they so choose. The specific rights can therefore differ between nations.

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